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                WIN924 FOUR COLOR OFFSET PRESS

                Suitable paper size. The max. paper size is 920mm×625mm, the max. printing size is 900mm×615mmm, especially meet the needs of domestic printing shop, this machine is enough for most printing job requirement.
                High production efficiency. The max. printing speed is 13000 sheet/hour, it is the most quickest speed comparing with the other same kind Chinese offset, suitable for both small and big quantity printing work.

                WIN564 FOUR-COLOR OFFSET PRESS

                Heavy duty mechanism structure. Cast iron pedestal、frame、cylinders etc. have the good intension and tenacity, ensuring high stability and good printing impression.

                WIN524 FOUR-COLOR OFFSET PRESS

                Heavy duty mechanism structure. Cast iron pedestal、frame、cylinders etc. have the good intension and tenacity, ensuring high stability and good printing impression.

