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                服务支持Service support

                WIN524 FOUR-COLOR OFFSET PRESS

                ?Underswing feeder, paper transferring structure is used high point gripper closed structure, insuring paper transferring system more stably.

                ?Double diameter impression cylinder and triple diameter transferring cylinder are available, reducing the times of paper connection, improving register precision.

                ?Plate cylinder and blanket cylinder go through with bearer, running stably, ensuring qualified printing image.

                ?Plate adjustment function in vertical ,lateral and cocking position. The minimum adjustment is based on 0.01mm, saving auxiliary adjustment time.

                ?Special design in paper feed head, paper board front lay, gripper and other equipments. Insuring all kinds of thick and thin paper printing.

                ?Paper fed continuously and stably, more suitable for thick and thin paper printing.

                ?Pneumatic control system, ensuring the press more stably.

                ?High precision imported bearing, ensuring cylinder impression even in the high speed rotation.

                ?Chromed cylinder, prolongs the operation life.

                ?Automatic centralized oiling system, prolongs the working life.

                ?Operators are under protection because of the installation of safety guard、adjustment door and protecting shield.

                ?Vacuum sucker table, 3 sucker type paper feed tape insures all kinds of paper conveying.

                ?Semi-automatic plate loader and tightening equipment, make the plate loading more easy and convenient, shorten plate changing time, improving working efficiency.

                The following operating system is available:

                Win 10/Win 8/Win 7/Vista/XP
                Version File size Release date
                Basic driver(2)
                LP215系列驱动程★序 2017-11-22 download
                LP215系∩列驱动程序 20120831 4.9MB 2017-11-22 download
                LP215系列驱动程序 20120831 4.9MB 2017-11-22 download
                LP215系列驱动程序 20120831 4.9MB 2017-11-22 download
                Usage software(2)
                LP215系列驱动程序 2017-11-22 download
                LP215系列驱动程序 2017-11-22 download


                Category Model Remark
                废粉盒 44201403 2,000页 *1 *2
                进纸轮 44201404 2,000页 *1 *2
                进纸轮(多功能进纸¤盒) 43460228 15,000页 *3


                Category Model Remark
                40GB硬盘 43460228
                打孔单元(2孔) 43460225

                Fitting order

                Buy time:
                Machine model:
                Fitting name:
                Fittings code:
                Description: the input box with the cannot be empty.